Saturday 25 May 2024

It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses we must plant more trees - George Eliot


Growing plants in containers – David Allison

Experienced gardener David Allison, who has just been judging in the Great Pavilion at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show gave us an informative and interesting illustrated presentation about growing fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs in containers. We were given lots of tips and examples of what to grow and answered our questions.

David brought a variety of plants for us to purchase including herbs, fuchsias and salvias which were quickly snapped up by our members

He also brought along a range of books on various topics which he offered at a discounted price

Display Table

Christine brought Melittis and a form of Lupin

Caroline’s Peltaria

Dorothy’s Peony, Crinodendron (the Chilean Lantern Flower), white Lilac and Poppy

Maggie’s stunning orange honeysuckle, Lonicera tellmanniana

Ann brought Crinodendron hookerianum, Aconitum ivorine and Camassia leichtlinii quamash, Nectaroscordum siculum

Judith’s Argyranthemum, a cutting from a plant given to Mrs Spencer of York Gate

Kate’s vase contains: Silena fimbriata, Geum “Totally tangerine”, Astrantia “Roma”, Melica, Tiarella “Spring Symphony”, Geranium nodosum “Blueberry Ice”, Cornus candensis, Geranium “Ann Folkard”, Libertia grandiflora and Luzula nivea

Many Happy Returns!

We were delighted to celebrate long-standing Friday Forum member Ann’s birthday with a special afternoon tea and a garden-themed cake made by Liz. Ann, who is turning 90, loves life and we all love her. Ann is a regular contributor to the display table and whenever we can’t remember to name of a plant, Ann can always supply it.

Next meeting: 7th June: Pelargoniums - Roger Burnett

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