Members were asked to display “a flower in any
form” and just look at the variety brought in.

Also, with an Easter theme, member were asked to
grow curly cress in an painted eggshell.
Just look how these turned out.
Members enjoyed a lively discussion on
plants they regretted acquiring - here are a few of these:
Spanish bluebells
Smyrnium perfoliatum (lovely spring
plant but a prolific self-seeder)Geranium nodosum - very pretty, good in shade but will seed anywhere including into other plants
Euphorbia griffithii - very attractive but can run around quite a lot
Cardamine bulbifera - BEWARE!
Allium paradoxum - attractive but also an enthusiastic self-seeder
Saponaria ocymoides (soapwort) - a spreader
Little violet and oxalis - pretty but a bit of a nuisance
One member announced that he found
Tulipa sprengeri to be a nuisance - this was greeted with howls of
incredibility by the many people who struggle to grow it!
Notice Board
For our yellow
flower display to celebrate the Tour de France in
July, there are seeds available for members to sow and grow For more ideas of yellow flowers see If anyone any creative ideas on how to
display our yellow blooms in front of Paxton Hall, please come forward.
Plant Market is on Saturday 31st May. Please consider planting and growing on for
the sales table and, if you can help on the day from 10 am, this would be
Dates for your diary
Next meeting: 2nd May - A talk by Rob Edwards onTown Gardens; making the best of a small space.
Friends of Paxton are meeting Monday 5th May from Midday. An hour or two or your time to help maintain the premises are always welcome. If another date is more suitable for you, please let us know. In June, there will be a Dig In at Paxton Garden; date TBA.
Forum meetings
are 1.30pm on 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Paxton Hall, Paxton
Horticultural Society, 186 Kirkstall Lane, Leeds LS5 2AB. Meetings may be hands-on sessions, guest
speakers or garden visits. Regular features are the Display Table where members
can bring their plants for discussion and advice and the Sales Table where
members sell their plants, cuttings and produce to help the club funds. For further information log on to