on Yorkshire Wildlife
Hobson, who has previously spoken about Curious Yorkshire, presented an equally
fascinating talk on Yorkshire wildlife illustrated with slides taken by himself. John showed us how different vegetation in
various areas attracts different species of animals, reptiles, plants, fungi,
and birds. We learnt how the land
changes over time affecting the wildlife, for example how heather has been
replaced by bracken from animals grazing.
The various wild orchids growing in our region were especially
interesting, as well as plants from as far back as the ice age.
hard to believe what is still in flower in our gardens in the first week of
gold chrysanthemums
Brian's white
balou chrysanthemums won first prize at the recent Paxton show.
rose Graham Thomas still flowering outside her window. |
seasonal basket with stalk of a cone from the Abies pine decimated by the blue
tits. There is also whole cone, as
featured on the display table in September and had been kept inside. Minutes after this photo was taken, Ann
inadvertently dropped the whole cone on the floor and this too was reduced to a
stalk! |
jug: campanula (out every month of the year) Rosa Warm Welcome, Polygonium Pink
Buttons, Tiarella Creeping Dragon, Astrantia major and Hesperantha Mrs Hegarty |
showed us the Christmas garlands she has made for her family so members can
produce a display during the next meeting.
One ring was produced from old stems from clematis and similar, others
were fashioned from a wire frame and sphagnum moss or a preformed plastic ring with
florist foam.
brought examples of arrangements featuring glass containers, floating candles,
plant pots and candlesticks with stems made from inverted wineglasses.
sure we have lots of ideas to work on for our own displays.
from Leeds in Bloom for Friday Forum members
are proud to report that three of our members received awards for their gardens
this year.
Abbot has competed successfully since 1999, raising her standard from highly commended
to silver and then gold as well as best in area for the past two years. Carol, who is assisted by husband Michael with
the hard landscaping and lawns, opened her Cookridge garden for the National
Garden Scheme this summer and many Friday Forum members visited it.
Kate van Heel entered her garden for the first time this year and was awarded gold. She also opened her garden for the NGS.
Last but not least, James Fonquernie, who has entered four times, was awarded gold.
who says he was inspired by the late Geoff Hamilton, recycled materials from
skips and used his engineering skills to build six arbours, swapped plants for
Yorkshire stone and even has a laundry museum in his garden.
December – for our final meeting of 2014, James has devised his legendary
Christmas Quiz and we have the opportunity to make winter arrangements. Mince pies will be provided and we hope you will
embrace the party spirit by wearing festive dress!