We can’t meet at Paxton but we can see what
our members have been up to in their gardens.
Judith shows us some of her plants:
amygdaloids 'Forest Flame' taken at interval of 6 days in between pics.
Seeds growing in my spare bedroom - whatever
will I do with them? |
A lovely erysimum (perennial wallflower) but
unfortunately I do not know which one. |

Hellebore from Dove Cottage with
pachyphragma (white) and a nice white allium - Ann Fritchley will know which
Self-seeded euphorbia polychroma (one of the
best) along with plant of e.robbiae and hebe James Stirling
View of my back garden (with blue pots) |

A skimmia bush which is doing really well
this year.
This week we would have had a presentation on Hanging Baskets. However, Norma has made up a Heath Robinson bee friendly hanging
1. As I have no moss, I have lined the
basket with old ferns from my garden which luckily I hadn’t cut off. You need
quite a lot stop soil getting out. Make sure they come well up above the wire
2. I then cut a piece of plastic for
the bottom to retain moisture.
3. I add my soil and plants in layers,
so add first layer of soil and push through first layer of plants.
4. Cover with soil and keep adding trailing
5. Fold on ferns at the top of basket
and add remaining plants to i.e. fuschias and fill with soil.
The list of bee 🐝 loving
plants and idea came from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and are as follow;
Trailing fuchsias
Until we meet again, can you contribute to our Virtual Friday Forum?