Friday Forum, we discussed ways to propagate a variety of plants and exchanged
tips and views. One useful hint was to
shake down the soil in a pot in which a plant rooted in water has been potted,
rather than firming it down.
gave a demonstration rather than an exhibit.
He showed us, with the aid of a glass measuring jug which was issued
during World War 2, how to check if an egg is fresh or not. A fresh egg will sink to the bottom of a
container of water, whereas an old will be full of gas and float to the top. It’s amazing what we learn at Friday Forum!
brought plants which are currently in their gardens:
Willow Babylonica Crispa which Judith raised from a cutting |
Judith's late flowering tulip spengeri and Geranium
mystery plant - Anyone ??? |
double auricula |
crinodendron hookerianum, magnolia lilliflora nigra, allium aflatunense, nectaroscordum siculum, astrantia Hadspen
blood, geranium Bill Wallis, asarum caudatum, anthriscus ravenswing, cerinthe
major and tragopogon porrifolius |
shrubs: Abutilon, kolkwitzia (beauty bush)
weigelia, chosyia sundance, ceanothus, variegated broom, viburnum, honeysuckle,
Clematis Broughton Bride, zara like mimosa, lathyrus |
shrubs: Abutilon, kolkwitzia (beauty bush)
weigelia, chosyia sundance, ceanothus, variegated broom, viburnum, honeysuckle,
Clematis Broughton Bride, zara like mimosa, lathyrus
Geum Fireball, valeriana, phlox (clouds of perfume)
Gill's Aqualegia |
Can anyone help with a Paxton Hall Blitz on Tue 23rd June 10 – 2?
plants were distributed to grow on
The Paxton Plant Sale and Coffee Morning in May
raised £333.40 - so keep making the cuttings!!!
Friday Forum mini Summer show will take place on 3 July; details to follow
Paxton Summer show will take place on Saturday 27th June. Donations and cakes appreciated.
Carol's award-winning garden will be open on June 28th for NGS at 4a Blackwood Rise, Cookridge LS16 7BG. For more details see
Also on 28th June, my group is holding a traditional garden party at designer's garden for Rainbow Allotment for adults with physical and mental difficulties. Venue: Rose Cotttage, 2 Scarcroft View, Brandon Lane, Leeds, LS17 9JJ 2 - 5 pm
June 19th: Garden visit to Mere’stead, 28 Kelmscott Garth,
Manston, Crossgates, Leeds LS15 8LB
Directions can be found by clicking on the Garden Visits page.