Flower Show
Despite all the recent wind and rain, Friday
Forum members managed to bring entries for every class. Many thanks to Graham Wheatley for judging
and to Dorothy for registering the entries.
Here are a selection of the entries received:
Class 1: One bloom HT Rose |
Class 4: One vase of Sweet Peas |
Class5: One vase Pinks |
Class 6: One vase cut flowers judged for frontal effect |
Class 7: One pot plant |
Friday Forum member Celia gave us another
well researched and interesting talk.
This one was on the Poppy which is very fitting on the day the centenary
of the Battle of the Somme is commemorated.
Celia told us about the history, myths and
even poetry relating to the Poppy. We learnt
that there are over 200 species including the Welsh poppy, the Californian
poppy, the Oriental poppy from S. Europe, the red Shirley poppy named after the
village where Rev. Wilks lived who found it, and the blue poppy, Meconopsis,
which was discovered by a French missionary, Pére
Delavay, in 1886 and brought to this country as a pressed flower in 1913 by Francis
Kingdon Ward, who grew
the seeds.
An examples of the irises potted up at Friday Forum |
Ann’s colourful pot contains Mitraria coccinea, Crinodendron hookerianum, Alstromeria, Parochetus
communiswith its blue flowers, Gladeolus byzantinus, Tropaeolum polyphyllum,
Primula capitata, Dactylorhiza fuchsia, foliosa and maderensis, Dierama igneum |
James F Astrantias include Maxima and Shaggy |
.... and this one is rather different |
Judith's brought her bargain clematis from Morrisons, an interesting plant which is a relative the carrot family, annual white poppies
and small poppies: rupifragum, meconopsis cambrica |
Janella discovered that the skunk cabbage
plants round her pond were taking up too much water so she is replacing them
with Glyceria. I think my marsh marigold
is doing the same.
Margaret D thanked everyone who helped at
the Paxton Show including the person who made an exceptional chocolate cake.
Reminder :
On 23rd July, Friday Forum
member Carol Abbott is holding a Garden Party in her multi-award winning garden
at 4a Blackwood Rise, Cookridge, LS16 7BG. The garden will be open
between 10:30 and 2:30 with proceeds going to LGI Ward 10 Children’s Renal
Unit, a cause dear to her heart. Carol wants to add to the funds already
collected to supply the ward with electronic games for the children who are
required to spend long periods of time there.
sale, craft sales and raffle with great prizes
£3.50 including refreshments
Norma thanked everyone who supported her
open gardens which raised a good amount for Alzheimer’s Society.
July 15th:
Visit to the garden of Mrs Elizabeth Bidgood, 4 West Hill Avenue, Leeds LS7
3QH, off Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton. Turn into Wood Lane, plenty of
parking at church. West Hill Avenue is opposite.
2pm start.
Donation to charity and refreshments available.