Talk: Creating a garden in North Yorkshire by
Martin Fish
Martin is an
experienced gardener and
his enthusiasm for gardening shone through as he entertained
us with his illustrated presentation. We learnt how, when he moved to Yorkshire, he transformed a blank
canvas of ¾ of an acre into a stunning garden which not only looked good but
yielded an enormous amount of produce.
He took us through the timeline from the first asparagus bed to the
beautiful plot it is today, although Martin, who doesn’t claim to be a garden
designer, is the first to say that a garden should never be finished.
Martin’s favourite plants at
the moment are: clematis alpina Stolwijk Gold, lathyrus
vernus albo roseus, Cardiocrinum
giganteum, cornus kousa wietings select, Geum Bell Bank, catalpa bignonioides
aurea, Viburnum plicatum Pink Beauty, Hosta albomarginata, Geranium Rozanne,
Hydrangea Annabelle, Hesperantha Pink Princess, cercidiphyllum japonicum.
garden is open once a year under the NGS scheme and more details about Martin
and his garden can be found on his website:
It may be October, but Friday
Forum members still have plenty in bloom in their gardens.
Carol brought a branch from
the shoo-fly plant (Nicandra physalodes) and invited us to take the pods and plant
the seeds. It will be interesting to see
the results |
cyclamen with its enormous corm |
Acteas with their poisonous berries |
G’s colourful arrangement includes Asters: frikartii 'Monch’, novae-angliae
novi-belgii Samoa, euonymus alatus and hesperantha |
dainty Nerines bowdenii Alba, Stephanie and Undulata |
Judith’s Dahlias: Murdoch, an Orange one and David Howard and a
couple of attractive Salvias |
Gill’s arrangement includes salvia, eupatorium
rugosum, now Ageratina altissima, hydrangea paniculata, begonia,
campanula and Himalayan honeysuckle
We wish Friday Forum member,
Celia, a speedy recovery from her recent operation.
Members are welcome to help
themselves to plant pots before they are sent to landfill.
Margaret D thanked members for
their donations for the recent Paxton show, which was busy and financially
Gill is selling varieties of
tulip bulbs at our meetings.
Congratulations to two of our
members, Kate and Carol, were awarded Gold for their gardens by Leeds in Bloom
with Carol winning Best in Category.
Very well deserved! |
Wharfedale Gardeners are holding an exhibition entitled Painting the Modern Garden at Otley
Courthouseon Saturday 15th October.
21st October: Harvest Forum – We are asking members to make
an item of food, sweet or savoury, for others to taste. It would be helpful to provide a copy of the
recipe and, if possible, email to me to add to our recipe page on the
blog. There will also be a Bring &
Buy sale and our legendary Quiz.