As always, Friday Forum member Celia gave
us another excellent talk.
We heard facts, myths and legends about
why Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe and Fir Trees are brought into our homes in
mid-winter. We learnt that Holly
signified fertility as it retained leaves and berries throughout the winter and
the Druids considered it to be a lucky tree.
Ivy was not as popular and in Greek mythology it is linked to
drinking. However, linked with holly it
became more acceptable. Mistletoe was
thought to bring a blessing on the house and its occupants. The best
Christmas trees are the Norway Spruce which has softer needles and the Nordmann
Fir with its rounder needles which are less likely to drop.
It seems there is still colour and
interest in our gardens, if the display table is anything to go by.
Dorothy brought a bouquet of Chrysanthemum,
Dahlia, Carnation, Primula, Diascia and Rose |
Judith’s Rosa mutabilis |
Ann’s vase contained Amicia zygomeris, Salvia Mexicana and
luecanthe, Corydalis ochroleuca, Persicaria
affinis Fat
Domino and Golden Arrow, Chaenomeles speciosa Geisha
Girl, Tricyrtis Empress, Nerine
bowdenii, a red and pink Hesperantha, Antirrhinum, Gaillardia, Rudbeckia and Calceolaria |
brought the annual Rudbeckia gloriosa grown from
seed, Liriope which thrives under the canopy of a large tree and the heritage
Chrysanthemum, Suffolk Pink, which he
is helping to conserve in his garden
Judith brought an attractive display of
foliage which includes from Spotty Dotty, Cotinus, variegated Iris foetidissima, Abelia grandiflora, Euphorbia griffithii, the silver Senecio, Rue, variegated
Bergenia Tubby
Andrews, Pittosporum Tom Thumb, Brunnera and variegated Laurel |
On one of Jenny’s regular visits to The
Hollies, she spotted this green/turquoise decomposing wood and wondered if it
was from copper or algae. The Hollies
attained Platinum in this year’s Parks in Bloom competition |
Jane brought along a steel fencing pin to
show how robust they are and easy to use when staking plants as they have a
pointed tip. These can be purchased from
builders merchants |
The Paxton Late Autumn show is on Saturday
25th November. Can anyone
help in the kitchen or by baking produce?
The Show is open to the public from 2 pm.
Caroline has requested that Friday Forum
annual subscription of £12.00 be paid within the next four meetings. Payment should be made either by cheque made
out to Paxton Horticultural Society or cash in a named envelope please.
If any members have suggestions for forums
to be included in next year’s programme, please let the committee know.
Presentation by Roger Parkinson of The
Woodland Trust plus a demonstration of a seasonal floral arrangements to show
members how to make their own for the following meeting.