We may be into October, but Friday Forum
members still have plenty of colour and interest in their gardens.
*Actea simplex - from Margaret Denton years
*Anemone japonica 'Honorine Jobert'
*Aster - lovely blue, name unknown
*Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' - from Kate
*Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie - 2nd lot of flowers
*Hylotelephium spectabile (i.e.Sedum!)
*Perovskia 'Blue Spire'
*Persecaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail' - also
from Kate! Thank you kind friend!
*Phlox - strong cherry pink, name unknown
*Potentilla fruticosa 'Katherine Dykes' -
lovely lemon yellow
*Nerine bowdenii
*Salvia microphylla 'Pink Lips'
ERSICARIA with a lovely yellowy/green leaf
which came from Judith via the Friday Forum plant table.
ROSE ‘Pink Perpetue’. Third flush. Lovely scent
ASTER ‘Lady in Blue’
CERATOSTIGMA PLUMBAGINOIDES. Beautiful bright blue flowers with leaves
turning to shades of autumn
JAPANESE ANEMONE. Don’t know which one.
Amanda's favourite salvia, note the small leaves. Anyone know the name? |
White colchicum |
Kniphofia |
Greensleeves apples before l picked them with flower ?! |
Cotinus, Artemesia, Persicaria, Abelia, Sedum Autumn Joy |
Many mentions were made of Asters/ Symphyotrichum novae angliae but the
favourite seemed to be the tall Aster calliope for its flower and also its glossy
green leaves on dark, almost black, stems.