Saturday, 8 March 2025

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold; when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade. I think we all know that kind of Day - Dickens

We held the first meeting in our new venue. It was fitting that we started the meeting with Friday Forum’s AGM followed by a talk by Paxton chairman, John Freer.


As always, John, who loves to experiment with growing plants, entertained and educated us. We found out that the UK grows more daffodils commercially than any other country and tete a tete bulbs come in sizes small with one flower, medium bearing two flower and large with 2 – 3 flowers. He grows newly acquired daffodil bulbs in a pot first in case they have a virus.

John brought along these plants and each one came with a story

 A three-year old Winter flowering Almond which flowers from November to May


 Daffodil bulbocodium Arctic Bells, Iris Sensation and Corydalis Beth Evans,Polyanthus and  Primula 

John brought his Streptocarpus leaf cuttings to show how they had grown

Vernal Equinox Table

Norma organised this charming table.  There are spring flowers and branches, feathers, (artificial) birds eggs and candles.

Display Table

 Carol’s Hyacinth is perhaps the latest of the distributed bulbs to flower

 Suzanne brought Hellebores including pretty Ellen White, niger Christmas Carol, Emma, red picotee and argutifolius, Skimmia confusa Kew Green and japonica rubella, Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash and the semi-evergreen Buckler Fern Drayoptens atata

 Ann brought the orange flowered ornithogalum from South Africa
 Ann also brought Hellebores Ashwood, Tibetanus, Yellow and argutifolius, Puschkinia, Galanthus double, Cardamine raphanifolia, Narcissus and Hepatica ballardii

 Maggie brought a pot of white Muscari

 Maggie also brought Narcissi: Snow baby, Jetfire, Tete-a-tete bearing three flowers and Magnolia stellata

Judith brought a pot of the attractive Tete a tete BouclĂ© and Amanda brought a double, yellow Snowdrop, Daphne, Erysimum, Rosemary, Hellebore, Amicia, the scented winter Pansy Blueberry Swirl and Primula (sorry no photos)

Kate brought Camellia Silver Anniversary, Hellebores: Double Ellen Pink, SP Sophie, Erysimum Bowles Mauve, Pachyphragma, Pulmonaria Blue Ensign, Crocus, Narcissus Tete a tete and Chaenomoles Crimson and Gold

Gardening Matters

Peter told us about a supplier of horse manure. Not sure about the names of the horses though! 

 NGS booklets were made available with details of Yorkshire Gardens open for charity this year. Our member Carol’s garden can be found at no. 64 of the booklet. What is nicer than a visit to a garden followed by tea and cake?

Next Meeting:  21st March - A presentation by David and Elizabeth Smith on  NGS and Scape Lodge Garden