Talk: Chelsea, Camassia, Chris & Chaos
We were
entertained by the lively and enthusiastic Stella Exley from the RHS Gold Medal
winning nursery Hare Spring Cottage Plants
Stella is a
self-confessed nerd when it comes to the Camassia plant, of which she is the
national collection holder. We heard how
she was asked to supply the Camassias for Chris Beardshaw’s Morgan Stanley
Chelsea exhibit in 2015 and the trials and tribulations she had to endure
including the logistics, snow and transport.
All was well in the end and Chris won Gold for the garden!
Carl quizzed us on which are Trillium
sessile and which were Sessile trillium but some of us were not
successful. They included Trillium sessile var. Viridescens,
Trillium foetidissimum and Trillium lancifolium |
Ha brought an Asphodeline Lutea |
arrangement included late flowering narcissi, corydalis, pulmonaria Opal, perennial Honesty, Solanum, Aquilegia,
perennial Wallflower, Brunnera and Dicentra
vase contained two early flowering poppies including Meconopsis Carissa and Smyrnium |
praised copper tape for preventing slug damage.
She demonstrated how the tape can be applied to a plastic plant pot with
the base cut off which can be placed in the soil round a young plant but Norma
swears by her beer traps! |
previous Forums we have been discussing whether tulips will do well year after
year. Norma brought an article giving 10
good perennial tulips:
Aimable Blue/lilac
Negrita Purple
Shirley Yellow/purple veining
Ballerina Orange
Daydream apricot/orange
Apeldoorn Red
Purissima White/cream
Sprengeri Burnished red
Green Spring green
Pink Pink
Carol Abbot is opening her garden for the NGS
on Sunday4th June
.. and not Caroline as I originally stated.
19th May – Garden visit (details
on the Garden Visits page) 2pm. If
anyone has needs transport, please contact a committee member.