heard that the first butterfly and ladybird had been spotted, so Spring must be
on its way!
sex lives of plants
week, a fascinating and amusing illustrated talk was given by Ben Emmott, entomologist,
agricultural problem solver and beekeeper.
explained how plants evolved over millions of years by cell division when under
water resulting in the production of an identical plant. Later, when plants grew on land, seeds and
pollen moved about via wind, birds or insects giving us plants with different
characteristics. This presented a new
set of problems; how the male finds the female.
It turns out that plants are not so different from us and plants may
make themselves attractive by their colour, taste, scent, even providing nectar
guides and easy access!
learnt about the unique symbiotic reproductive method of the Yucca with a
certain moth and how some flowers open in the evening for the nocturnal
insects.At one of Ben’s talks, a member of the audience remarked that most plants had a better sex life than she did!
Table and Forum
were certainly signs of spring of the display table.
This painting by the talented Margaret L.L. is of a hellebore she grows in the garden |
Mary brought in her Aeonium in flower, and not for the first time. The plant is kept outside in Summer and brought into a porch for the Winter |
Paxton Open Spring Show will take place on 5th April
and Friday Forum’s mini show will be the day before. Pick up a leaflet or look on Paxton’s main
For our yellow
flower display to celebrate the Tour de France in
July, there are seeds available for members to sow and grow For
more ideas of yellow flowers see http://letour.yorkshire.com/documents/tdf/rhs/RHSTurningYorkshireYellow.pdf
We are seeking creative ideas on how to
display our yellow blooms in front of Paxton Hall.
Plant Market is on Saturday 31st May. Please
consider planting and growing on for the sales table and, if you can help on
the day from 10 am, this would be appreciated.
Next meeting: On 7th March there is a talk by
Ian Richardson on Spring and Autumn in Japan.
Friends of
Paxton are meeting Monday 3rd March from Midday. An hour or two
or your time to help maintain the premises are always welcome. If another date is more suitable for you,
please let us know. In June, there will
be a Dig In at Paxton Garden; date TBA.
Friday Forum meetings are
1.30pm on 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Paxton Hall, Paxton
Horticultural Society, 186 Kirkstall Lane, Leeds LS5 2AB. Meetings may be hands-on sessions, guest
speakers or garden visits. Regular features are the Display Table where members
can bring their plants for discussion and advice and the Sales Table where members
sell their plants, cuttings and produce to help the club funds. For further information log on to https://sites.google.com/site/paxtonhorticulturalsocietycouk/Home