Saturday 7 September 2019

Talk:  Peter Williams – People, Plants and Places

Once again, Peter entertained us with his garden-related stories. Amongst other interesting facts, we learnt about the origins of the Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff,

We saw slides of the gardens at the historic Mount St John estate at Felixkirk, near Thirsk. It is owned by Chris Bundell of the Morrison (supermarket) family, designed by Tom Stuart Smith and where Lizzie Balmforth is now head gardener.  The gardens are not generally open to the public, but there are tours at about £40 per person.

The talk finished with a quiz.

Display Table 

In her shady garden, Jenny has grown what was called Rodgersia tabularis, now Astilboides tabularis, with its massive leaves for over 20 years.  This year it has flowered!

Jenny also brought Fuchsia Begonia (Begonia fuchsioides) which bears fuchsia like flowers

In Ann’s handmade pot (is there no limit to this lady’s skills?): 
Itea ilicifolia
From E. Asia/N. America
Kirengeshoma palmata with yellow bells
From Korea/Japan
Stokesia laevis
Amicia zygomeris
Salvia Prawn Chorus
Dahlia australis



Gill brought Kirengeshoma palmata, hydrangea, willow gentian and phlox

 Judith’s arrangement in grey and pink:  Rehmannia (Chinese foxglove), Senecio viravira, Diascia personata, Alcalthaea


Paxton’s Early Autumn Show including the National Vegetable Show is on 21st September and help in the kitchen or donations of cakes will be much appreciated.

Next Meeting

20th September:  This will be a members’ forum.  See email for details.

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