Elizabeth and David Smith gave us a talk on the National Garden Scheme and the volunteers who open their gardens to the public with proceeds going to various charities. They are Yorkshire county volunteers and have opened their own garden for many years.
We learnt that the scheme, initiated by the philanthropist Elsie Wagg in 1927 when entrance to gardens was one shilling per head. Today the scheme includes 3300 gardens, 46 allotments, 56 community gardens and 12 hospices. Many allow dogs, offer tea and cake and sell plants. It is a lovely way to spend an afternoon, get ideas for your own garden and have refreshments.
Elizabeth then told us about their own garden; Scape Lodge in Huddersfield. When they first moved in the property was mostly conifers and heathers and perched on a hillside with poor soil. We were then shown a plan of the garden as it is now with illustrations to show the borders, greenhouse, pots and terraces as they are now in various seasons. The garden attracts a lot of wildlife. The local mayor makes an annual visit to the garden which has been featured on television on Gardeners World and Gardens of the Year. David and Elizabeth also brought plants for sale that are grown in their garden.Display Table
On the display table this week:
Kate brought Viburnum bodnatense 'Dawn', Camellia 'Simple Rouge', Chaenomoles 'Crimson and Gold', Ribes 'White Icicle', Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mail' and Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign'. |
Sue brought a pot of Eucomis which are coming on well but wasn't sure whether to put them in a bigger pot or in the ground yet. |
Sue also brought a pot of Narcissus bulbocodium 'Arctic Bells' |
Dorothy brought a pot of tete a tete daffodils |
Anne B brought an assortment of daffodils she found in the supermarket |
Next Meetings:
4th April – Our Friday Forum Mini Show. The categories as follows and we hope you will enter in at least one category:
CLASS 1 One vase containing one Daffodil
CLASS 2 One vase containing three Daffodils
CLASS 3 One vase containing three Tulips
CLASS 4 Container of Spring flowering bulbs
CLASS 5 One pot plant, indoor or outdoor
CLASS 6 One vase containing flowering branches
CLASS 7 Dish of floating flower heads
18th April – there will be no meeting as it is Good Friday
2nd May – Flower Festival. This year the theme is Finery in Flowers and we are asking members to decorate or make an article of clothing or fashion accessory with flowers eg Footwear, headgear, handbag/man bag, umbrella etc. Only two non-natural materials allowed such as plastic plant pot, Oasis or wellington boot (although you won't be penalised for lining your container with a plastic bag).