




Saturday 21 May 2022

The hum of bees is the voice of the garden – Elizabeth Lawrence

Members spent a relaxing time sowing seeds and potting up seedlings and cuttings and drinking tea while chatting about both gardening and non-gardening topics.

Display Table

Carol’s Geum Hereton Primrose

Carol’s Geranium Renardii

Carol’s vase contains Persicaria Bistorta Superba, Libertia Formosa, the pale yellow Pacific Coast Iris, Lychnis Viscaria splendens

Kate’s container:  Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’, Actinidea kolomikta, Nectaroscordum siculum, Clematis Omoshiro, Ajuga, Geum, Aquilegia and Impatiens omeiana

Judith brought a yellow double Meconopsis, purple Comfrey symphytum, Lamium orvala   and various erysimum (perennial wallflowers)

Friday Forum member Liz celebrating World Bee Day in style

Next Meeting

June     3rd         Presentation – Jack Ogg – Tropical Gardening in Yorkshire

As it is Jubilee week, feel free to bring cake.

Saturday 7 May 2022

🌷 “Its May, open your eyes to the beauty of the world.” ~ Anonymous


Sam Shipman gave us a most interesting talk on three National Trust properties in the York area. Sam, who is Head Gardener at these properties, started his career with work experience in gardening, went on to college, was a landscape gardener in Istanbul and worked for Manchester council. 

The first property, the Treasurer’s House, is in the city, next to the Minster, the second, Goddards, belonged to the Terry familyof chocolate fame and overlooks the racecourse and the third, Beningbrough Hall, is a large stately home.  We learnt about the history of the houses and gardens and were shown old and modern plans and photos. There will be a plant sale at Beningbrough on14th May from 10 am.

Display Tablet

Carl recommended that a good place to plant Trillium is beneath a Magnolia tree.  After seeing it done in US, he found that they multiplied quickly in that spot.

Trillium grandiflorum Quicksilver

Janet’s blossom from the Choisya

Judith’s Hebe Hulkeana

Carol’s  pale pink Rhodohypoxis, yellow Ulvulacacia?, and Melianthus major with an 8ft plume

Next Meeting

PLEASE NOTE that the visit to Bramham Hall is on hold at the moment so the next meeting on 20th May is at Paxton with more details to follow