




Friday 24 April 2020

Virtual Friday Forum 4

As the lockdown continues, so does our virtual Friday Forum.

Thanks to Amanda for these photos:
 Coronilla citrina wonderfully scented planted in pots beside my bench,long flowering
 a prostrate rosemary a lovely darker blue, can anyone give it a name?
Erysium beautiful scent, can anyone identify?, rather lax habit
a Camelia bicolour bought from Morrisons for £2 a few years ago; no name

Judith sent these photos:

 Peony Tenuifolia
 Hebe hulkeana - a lovely hebe that I have had for many years but sadly it is difficult to propagate

Lunaria annua (Honesty)  I think this makes a brilliant splash of colour in the spring garden.

Red tulips which grow every year without fail - a very reliable touch of colour

Beautiful blossom in Norma’s garden

Carol sent these photos from her garden:

 Azalea Japonica Conny
 Cabrillo Primula Veris Cowslip

Clematis Lunar Lass
Erysium perennial wallflower

Polygala ground box
Pulsatilla vulgaris Rubra


 Tiarella cordifolia with Corydalis flexuosa

Not only does Carol keep a fabulous garden but has also found time to bake bread:

Here are mine.  I bake plaited loaves (Challah) to grace my Sabbath table on Friday nights.  Sadly we can’t share with family and friends;  just the two of us these days.

What have you been up to recently?

Friday 17 April 2020

Virtual Friday Forum 3

We can’t meet at Paxton but we can see what our members have been up to in their gardens.

Judith shows us some of her plants:

 Euphorbia amygdaloids 'Forest Flame' taken at interval of 6 days in between pics.
 Seeds growing in my spare bedroom - whatever will I do with them?

 A lovely erysimum (perennial wallflower) but unfortunately I do not know which one.

Hellebore from Dove Cottage with pachyphragma (white) and a nice white allium - Ann Fritchley will know which one!

Self-seeded euphorbia polychroma (one of the best) along with plant of e.robbiae and hebe James Stirling

 View of my back garden (with blue pots)

A skimmia bush which is doing really well this year.

This week we would have had a presentation on Hanging Baskets.  However, Norma has made up a Heath Robinson bee friendly hanging basket

1.  As I have no moss, I have lined the basket with old ferns from my garden which luckily I hadn’t cut off. You need quite a lot stop soil getting out. Make sure they come well up above the wire rim.

 2.  I then cut a piece of plastic for the bottom to retain moisture.

3.  I add my soil and plants in layers, so add first layer of soil and push through first layer of plants.

 4.  Cover with soil and keep adding trailing plants.

 5.  Fold on ferns at the top of basket and add remaining plants to i.e. fuschias and fill with soil.

The list of bee 🐝 loving plants and idea came from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and are as follow;





Trailing fuchsias

Until we meet again, can you contribute to our Virtual Friday Forum?

Thursday 9 April 2020

Virtual Friday Forum 2

As I entitle this post Virtual Friday Forum 2, I am wondering how much longer this situation will continue.  Luckily we have our gardens and I for one have a very long to do list of tasks for the house.

Hardy Plants have published the answers to last week's quiz and there is a second quiz on line.


In other news, Norma asked if anyone could beat this; 48 vine weevil grubs in a pot of Sedum Spectablis, which have gone on the ground for the birds to find and enjoy.
Last year  I planted up a pot of Autumn Joy, as recommended by Monty Don.  They looked really good on the patio until one day they all fell out!  The roots had all disappeared, no doubt vine weevils were the culprits.

And some of you may recognise this garden:

And last but not least, here is a link to National Garden Scheme's virtual gardens

Saturday 4 April 2020

Virtual Friday Forum

After all the hard work you will be undertaking in the garden this weekend, relax with a glass of something cold and try your hand at this quiz, courtesy of Kathy Howard of Hardy Plants.

Let us know what tasks you are doing during lockdown.  Pictures of your gardens would be good too.

Stay safe