




Saturday 18 January 2020

Colombia - Biodiversity Hotspot

Presentation:  Colombia – Biodiversity Hotspot by Barbara and Peter Murphy

Once again, Peter gave us a fascinating talk, this time on their trip to Colombia, with beautiful photos taken by Barbara.

We were able to experience some of the plants, trees, insects, birds, reptiles and mammals which exist on the huge conservation areas in the cloud forests.  There are 3,800 species of butterflies, stunning orchids (the national flower of Colombia is the orchid Cattleya trianae) and exotic birds.  
 Humming bird

Display Table
Ann’s Hamamelis brightens up the room 

 Carol’s container:  Garrya Elliptica, Hamamelis Arnold Promise, the fragrant Sarcococca and Daphne Jacqueline Postill, Grevillea rosmarinifolia Jenkinsii and a Hellebore bud

Judith’s display demonstrates how to add a touch of seasonal colour by placing a few pots in an attractive basket or container.  The pots can easily be changed as the season progresses

From her garden, Gill brought Winter Aconite, Jamaican Primrose, Geranium Spring Fling, Sarcococca, Ipheion Wisley Blue, Veronica, Primrose and Snowdrops 

Norma brought 100% recyclable pots from Moorland Nurseries near Knaresborough (which also has a good café) http://moorlandnurseries.co.uk/

Gardening Matters

This year is the International Year of Plant Health.


Notice Board

Janella can now confirm our annual day trip to Southport Flower Show on Friday, 21st August.  The cost is £30, which includes entrance to the show.  Cash or cheque to Friday Forum to secure your place.  See more details on Garden Visits 2020 page on this blog.

Next Meeting

7th February:  Friday Forum AGM plus free raffle and quiz

Saturday 4 January 2020

New Year Forum: "The gardening season officially begins on January 1st, and ends on December 31." - Marie Huston


On the first Friday Forum of 2020, which sounds more like something from science fiction, members recounted their early memories of gardening and gardens.

Carl entertained with his experiences of using basic gardening tools and learning basic skills of dry stone walling at an early age.

Janella told us about her childhood in Norfolk and Suffolk and how her love of wildlife began at an early age.

Judith talked about achieving high marks with an essay she submitted at college about gardening, a subject in which she was well versed, but a feat not to be repeated.

We heard from Kate about her gardening experiences when she lived in America and how, when she returned to England and moved into a brand new house, the garden was solid clay.  This same garden in a Gold medal winner and has starred on national television.

Another Gold medal winner, Carol, also found her garden was full of rocks and Linda recalled how her father would plant out the borders in regimented colours.  Trevor was brought up in a house with four lawns, which was nearly called Forelorns and Sue G told us of the garden in the various Manses in which she has lived.  Jenny remembers climbing up to harvest plums, making mud pies and how the 6th form privilege of gardening fostered her interest.   Members often mentioned how they came to join Friday Forum and Hardy Plants and Gill’s fascination came from seeing a pot of previously unknown flowers on the Hardy Plants stand at the Harrogate Show.

Display Table
Judith’s cheery pot of supermarket early daffs 
 Gill’s posy of snowdrops, aconites, hellebore and geranium leaf of Spring Fling

 Some of us are looking for new ideas from seed catalogues

Gardening Matters

Here are a couple of links to gardening trends for 2020. 



Next Meeting

17th January:  A presentation by Peter and Barbara Murphy entitled Columbia – Biodiversity Hotspot