




Saturday 17 August 2019

Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went on a FF day trip – despite the rain

Heavy rain was not going to discourage a coach load of intrepid garden lovers. 

First stop was Greencroft, Sally and David’s garden in Littlethorpe, near Ripon. This is a stunning garden with a surprise round every corner.  From a blank canvas, David used his building skills and Sally with her eye for planting, to create this wonderful space.  Sally treated us to her delicious homemade cakes served by her two daughters. 
 Visiting a garden is like opening a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to find!


 An example of David's building and Sally's planting

 The ornamental pond 

 The wildlife pond complete with timber cabin

 An imaginative waterfall

 Walls built from cobbles from a nearby farm which was demolished 

 Interesting vistas at every turn
Being in Pottery Lane, we took the opportunity to call in to the pottery workshop where the history of clay was explained. 

Next was a visit to The Manor House, Home-on-Swale, Thirsk.  Steve showed us round his garden and served us tea and cake in his lovely house.  Judi came home to find 47 pairs of muddy shoes in her hall and visitors eating their packed lunches in every room!
 Steve explaining about the garden

 Mostly original path edging


 This tiny apple tree is bearing loads of fruit


With the rain falling ever heavier, we arrived at Thornycroft in Rainton, near Thirsk which is Martin and Jill Fish’s garden.  Martin is well known for his columns in magazines and broadcasts on tv and radio while Jill uses the garden produce in her cooking.  Homemade jams, pickles and her book Gardening on the Menu were on sale and we were all able to sample her delicious baking.  From an empty, lawned garden, Martin and Jill have created this wonderful garden.
 Patio for use of the holiday cottage The Bothy

 Impressive entrance
 Innovative water feature

 Circular bed

 Charming new summer house

 Martin risking electrocution as he addresses us in the pouring rain

 The prolific kitchen garden


Despite the dreadful weather, Janella’s excellent organisation of the day and choice of gardens, the convivial company and the scrumptious cake meant that we had a lovely day!

Next Meeting

6th September:  Presentation – People, Plants and Places by Peter Williams

Saturday 3 August 2019

Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years. – Unknown

Presentation:  Dwarf bulbs throughout the year by Michael Myers

 Starting with snowdrops and finishing the year with snowdrops which can flower from September including all the bulbs which can be grown in between, Michael gave a fascinating talk.
Who knew there were so many bulbs to choose from? 

 There are loads of snowdrops of different colours, markings and petal forms; even one aptly named Three Ships which flowers on Christmas Day.  Michael gave us growing tips and the best bulbs to buy, although some of the snowdrop bulbs are priced way beyond our budgets.
Display Table
 Maggie’s Rudbeckia which she grew from a seed given out a Friday Forum
 Ann grew this evergreen tree (Eriobotra Japonica/Loquat) from a stone found in her fruit salad back in 1998!  It grows in the woodlands of the Himalayas and E. Asia and now in Ann’s garden.  The tree has large panicles of fragrant white flowers from Autumn to Winter followed in Spring by edible orange/yellow fruit

 Its bronze leaves later in the year

Carol brought this wildflower for identification – Silverweed (Potentilla or Argentina anserina) which has a yellow flower
Judith has Euphorbia stricta growing on her allotment

James’ tall stories:  Well over 5 ft and still growing including horsetail and chicory
Next Meetings
16th August - Booked on the day trip?  Please note that the coach will leave Paxton at 8.45 prompt, so please ensure you leave enough time to park/traffic etc and bring yourself a picnic lunch.
6th September – Presentation:  People, Plants and Places by Peter Williams