




Saturday 18 February 2017

The show must go on

Talk:  Behind the scenes at the Chelsea Flower Show

Tracy Foster gave us a fascinating presentation about her 2012 exhibit which she based on Yorkshire and the Brontes. 
Applications for the show are made in August for the garden to be completed the following May.  Tracy began by thoroughly researching the Bronte family and where they lived, made a preliminary drawing and a rough 3D model from plasticine.  She then had to source the plants, the stone and even trees with a windswept look.  It takes a lot of hard work, especially in the time allotted to build the garden in the week before the show.  Her efforts earned her a gold medal.
Tracy is exhibiting again at Chelsea this year inspired by the Yorkshire coastline.  We shall be interested to see the finished garden, especially now we know the background and the work that goes into it.

Display Table
On the left Janella’s snowdrops S.Arnott, which came from Derek’s garden with Margaret H’s on the left which she double pots to frost proof the containers.  In the pot on the right of the frame are Margaret’s Cyclamen Coum

One of the stalks of Carol's Tasmanian Tiger Euphorbia broke off and she pushed it into a plant pot.  It threw up new shoots and it will soon be coming off Death Row! 
(This is not the specimen that Carol brought in)
Gill bought the attractive Primula and Hellebore at High Trees Nursery, which now has a good cafe as well as offering good plants http://www.hightrees.co.uk/

Carol’s container includes the unusual Grevillea rosmarinifolia jenkensii, Daphne intermedia Jacqueline Postill, Hamamelis Arnold Promise, Viburnum Dawn, Hellebores and Heathers
Ann’s jug contains Hamamelis Aphrodite, Iris unguicularis, Iris Harmony, Iris Kathryn Hodgkin, Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite), various snowdrops, Crocus tommasinianus, Scilla Tubergeniana, Hellebores tibetana, Cyclamen coum, Arum italicum Marmoratum leaf. Osteospermum Orange and Narcissus Tête-à-tête
Gill brought Cornus mas, Mahonia, Corydalis, Snowdrops, double and single, Snowflakes, Primrose vulagaris and the white form.

Dorothy advised us of the dates of the Paxton sales (see below) when we will be selling plants and bric a brac.  Members are asked to bring any items they have for the first sale to the Friday Forum on the day before the sale; March 17th.
Margaret D was thanked for the wonderful way she has organised the kitchen on Show days over many years.  Margaret is now standing down and we are looking for someone to take over this task.
Graham reminded us of the Paxton AGM which will be on Tuesday 25th April at 8:00 pm and urged members to attend.
Janella is taking bookings for our day trip (see the page Garden Visits 2017for details) and has informed us that non-members are welcome to join us.
Next Meeting

3rd March – Forum, York Gate, our local treasure

Saturday 4 February 2017

February is the border between winter and spring. ~Terri Guillemets, "Years," 2002

Annual Review
We were reminded of last year’s activities and events and the accounts were made available to us.  Judith and the committee were thanked on behalf of the members for organising these, as was Janella, who is standing down after her years as Treasurer.  Caroline has offered to take this role.
Display Table
Gill’s vase contains Snowdrops, Pulmonaria, Chrysosplenium macrophyllum and Hepatica nobilis
Carol brought a plant which is ready to flower from the Aloe family.  When she last split the plant, there were few takers but I think they will be snapped up next time
 Ann’s pot of Iris Painted Lady
Ann’s container contains Iris Kathryn Hodgkin, Iris Unguicularis, Hamamelis mollis (Yellow)(orange) and the orange Aphrodite
 Ann also brought examples of shrubs bearing berries:  the climber Bomarea Caldasii, Pernettya mucronata (now Gaultheria), Gaultheria Procumbens and Ruscus Aculeatus  known as Butcher’s Broom which is traditionally used to improve blood circulation with varicose veins and piles (not to be tried at home)
 Jenny’s Snowdrops: Brenda Troyle and Gordon Cooper, named after the head gardener at The Hollies

Notice Board
Janella has booked another wonderful day trip for 16th June.  For more details see the Visits page or request a booking form.  Information on our local garden trips will be available soon.

Peter asked us to select which of his art pieces should be printed as a card for Paxton.  Difficult choice!
 Each starling in the murmuration was painted separately

The company The Dalesman is offering trips to various gardens. http://www.dalesmancoaches.co.uk/day-excursions/ 

RHS Harlow Carr is currently holding an exhibition in the Bath House and library showing how gardening helped prisoners endure internment at the Ruhlebeb camp during WWI, when the internees grew fruit and vegetables and held flower shows.

Here are the details for the Paxton Spring Show.  For full programme see https://sites.google.com/site/paxtonhorticulturalsocietycouk/

 STAGING SATURDAY 1 April 8.30am - 11.45am.  JUDGING AT 12 noon
All daffodil classes come under the Daffodil Classification
1                     12 blooms, 1 bloom per vase, any cultivar or cultivars from at least 3 divisions.
2                     6 blooms, 1 bloom per vase, from at least 3 divisions
3                     One vase, three blooms from separate divisions
4                     One bloom, division 1 (trumpet)
5                     One vase, three blooms, division 1
6                     One bloom, division 2 (large cupped)
7                     One vase, three blooms, division 2
8                     One bloom, division 3 (small cupped)
9                     One vase, three blooms, division 3
10                  One bloom, division 4 (double)
11                  One vase, three blooms, division 4
12                  One stem, division 5 (Triandrus)
13                  One vase, three stems, division 5
14                  One stem, division 6 (Cyclamineus)
15                  One vase, three stems, division 6
16                  One stem, division 7 (Jonquilla and Apodanthus)
17                  One vase, three stems, division 7
18                  One stem, division 8 (Tazetta)
19                  One vase, three stems, division 8
20                  One stem, division 9 (Poeticus)
21                  One vase, three stems, division 9
22                  One bloom, division 11 (split corona
23                  One vase, three blooms, division 11
24                  One stem, division 12 (other daffodil cultivars)
25                  One stem, division 13 (daffodils distinguished solely by botanical name)
26                  One vase of three miniatures (must be on Daffodil Society's current list of approved miniatures    sections A & B)
27         One vase of three cut tulips, any variety or varieties
28           One bloom, division 1
29           One bloom, division 2       
30           One bloom, division 3
31           One bloom, division 4
32           One bloom/stem, any other division not specified in classes 28 – 31
33           One vase 3 blooms/stems any variety or varieties
Class 1                   1st:  £10.00           2nd:  £5.00            3rd:  £3.00
Class 2                   1st:  £ 5.00            2nd:  £3.00            3rd:  £2.00
Class 3 - 33           1st:  £ 3.00            2nd:  £2.00            3rd:  £1.00
34           One pot Primrose or Polyanthus
35           One pot or bowl of Hyacinths         
36           One pot plant, foliage
37           One pot or bowl of Tulips, as grown
38           One pot Orchid   
39           One pot Cacti
40           One pot or bowl of Daffodils – one variety
41           One pot or bowl of Daffodils – more than one variety
42           One pot Succulent
43           One pot Auricula
44           One pot/ bowl of flowering bulbs/corms, not already specified
45           Flowering plant not already specified
Classes 34 - 45     1st:  £3.00             2nd:  £2.00            3rd:  £1.00
46            One Savoury Quiche
47            One Savoury Pasty
48            Baking with Chocolate (exhibitor’s own choice)
49            One Simnel cake
50            One Fruit Pie
51            3 Fruit Scones
52            One photograph “Spring Flowers”
Classes 46 - 52        1st:  £3.00          2nd:  £2.00            3rd:  £1.00
POTS, BOWLS:                               STEVE RYAN / TONY BOOTH                    
COOKERY & CRAFTS:                                  ROSEMARY CURRY
Show Secretary:  Graham Wheatley, 7 Ganners Close, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2NL
Telephone No:  0113 2563055  

Next Meeting

17th February – We welcome back Tracey Foster who is giving a presentation entitled
Taking a bit of Yorkshire to Chelsea Flower Show