




Saturday 16 January 2016

First meeting of 2016 for Friday Forum

This is an excerpt from a poem by a late Paxton member, B H Woodhouse-Carr.  Although written some years ago, our weather is not that different today.
The Changing Weather
Thank goodness the winter has been and nearly gone,
But of snow there has been virtually none.
Instead high winds have come and taken their place,
Gales from the west we now have to face.
Danger lurks for everyone as they move around,
With trees and debris falling to the ground

An early spring is now on its way,
Rain and more rain being the order of the day.
With water from the hills filling reservoirs to the brink
Valley farms and homes in flood waters appear to sink

Gardeners, there is much earlier growth than in a bygone day,
Protection from a frost will always repay.
Temperatures are rising without more light,
Extra care must be taken to get it right.

Talk: Quetzals, Hoatzins and Incas by Peter and Barbara Murphy
Peter and Barbara gave Friday Forum the first talk of year last year on Brazil and this presentation on Peru at our first meeting of 2016 didn’t disappoint.  Peter fascinated us with the history, culture, architecture and wildlife of the area to the stunning photographs taken by Barbara. 
For those of us who may not get the opportunity to visit these sites, this was the next best thing.  The colourful birds and butterflies certainly made an impression.
Display Table
This cyclamen brought by Dorothy is 25 years old.  It thrives on neglect, not watered in the summer and gets some fresh compost when showing signs of growth

 Mary took these rose cuttings in September and although kept in the porch at night, she wonders if it can stay outside in the day

Phyllis takes the New Year challenge to find 20 flowers in the garden.  Here is the evidence which includes sweet rocket and pansy
Gill was amazed to see early flowering witch hazel along with tender salvia Amistad which continues to flower
 Gill also brought geranium nudosum, Bowles mauve, snowdrops and winter irises
 Eileen brought jasmine nudiflorum forestii, euonymus and Azalea Danfordii.  The latter has moved gardens a few times and originally came from her great grandmother who worked on the barges in the North East which brought in wood from Scandinavia and returned with coal
These are the seed heads of the cotton plant which were raised from seed
Ann’s basket contains Ipheon uniflorum; Froyle Mill, Charlotte Bishop and Alberto Castillo
A gift from Ann’s granddaughter; very appropriate

 Judith brought the attractive golden leaf salvia with a red flower which is still flowering
Notice Board
If any member has any ideas for garden visits, please let the committee know
Friday Forum annual membership now due
Next Meeting
February 5th:  Good Garden Plants - a presentation by Pat Inman